Expert Rodent Removal on Vancouver Island
The Pest Doctor provides expert rodent removal on Vancouver Island. We have experience removing Norway rats, roof rats, and house and deer mice from homes and businesses in Nanaimo, Parksville, Duncan, Ladysmith, Coombs, Bowser, and all areas in between.
Not only are rodents unsightly, but some carry diseases. For example, the deer mouse sometimes carries the rare Hantaviruses. While the danger of this virus is minimal, it’s still important to ensure your home or business is rat and mouse free for a cleaner, safer space. Call The Pest Doctor for an estimate and inspection concerning your rodent problem.
Rat and Mouse Infestation: What You Need to Know
Rats: The Island is home to two main species of rats: the black rat, also called the roof rat, and the Norway rat, also called the brown rat. Their preference for different habitats usually keeps the two apart. Both species will eat almost anything, but black rats show a preference for plant material and Norway rats for animal food.
Mice: Mice are small rodents. There are several common species on the Island but mostly the house mouse and deer mouse find their way into our homes.
Rodents, rats and mice, live outside and may gain access inside through existing gaps or creating their own. Once inside, they may chew electrical wires or water pipes at great risk, causing structural damage to your property.

Our Protocol
Our rodent program starts with the technician evaluating the problem on-site and setting up the equipment for the most strategic extermination approach. Regular visits from our technicians will manage the equipment, i.e. remove bodies and rebait traps, until the problem is resolved or for 90 days, whichever comes first.
As part of the program, the technician will bring to your attention any active entry points he comes across. If you wish The Pest Doctor to patch up the entry points, please ask the technician to quote.
Clean-up is not part of the service. If you wish, and if the task is not extensive, it is possible for the technician to quote on your clean-up needs.
Working Together
Put away all the food. If needed, use hard plastic bins and metal or glass containers with tight lids.
Put food away each day, and do not leave glasses or bowls of water out overnight.
Keep food preparation and serving surfaces clean.
Clean behind large and small appliances.
Dispose of garbage regularly, and use tight-fitting lids of garbage receptacles.
Do not move or handle The Pest Doctor equipment.
Keep children and pets away from The Pest Doctor equipment.
Eliminating clutter will greatly assist in monitoring progress and ultimate success.
Please call the office if you have any questions or concerns.
Additional Help
Please find below the information about steps you can take to rodent-proof your building(s). As this list can be extensive, it is in the owner’s best interest to check the areas listed. The office will be happy to assist with further tricks and tips on finding these access points.
Preventing Rats and Mice from Entering Your House
Mice and rats are looking for food and shelter. If you cut off access to those two things, it will help solve your rodent problem.
Clean areas under stoves, refrigerators and dishwashers.
Store dry food (rice, pasta and grains), dry pet food and birdseed in metal, glass or thick plastic containers.
Clean pet bowls at night. Place bird feeders with seeds away from the house.
Store lumber, firewood, and compost away from the house. Elevate lumber and firewood on pallets. Use thick plastic or metal trash cans with tightly fitting lids.
Rake, collect and remove fruit, nuts, and other foods that have fallen out of plants or trees. Repair all small holes in the foundation, walls, basements, etc. Use caulking, a concrete patch, coarse steel wool, or copper mesh. You can also fasten a sheet metal plate or cement over masonry.
Properly dispose of garbage.
Restricting Access
To prevent mice and rats from coming indoors, make sure doors and windows have fine-mesh, well-maintained screens.
Cover vents, ducts, and holes around electrical conduits, floor drains, and other openings with copper or aluminum screens or with metal coverings. Inspect your foundation, walls, and basement for any rodent holes or cracks.
Plug these holes with concrete, caulking, copper or aluminum mesh, or steel wool.
Put food away each day, and do not leave glasses or bowls of water out overnight.
Keep food preparation and serving surfaces clean, and clean behind large and small appliances.
Dispose of garbage regularly, and use tight-fitting lids of garbage receptacles. Don't leave food overnight in pet food bowls.
Yard Management
Clip grass and weeds short, and thin shrubbery, until the ground’s underneath is visible.
Trim shrubs away from walls.
Avoid over-irrigation of lawn and garden, and ensure proper soil drainage.
Move lumber piles, firewood, compost, and other potential rodent habitats away from the walls of your home.